Thursday, 5 July 2018

Syllabus Breakup [w.e.f. 04-07-2018]

Dear Students,
Kindly note the UPDATED Syllabus Breakup [w.e.f. 04-07-2018].


Class Timetable [w.e.f. 04-07-2018]

Dear Students,
Kindly note your UPDATED Timetable for this semester, w.e.f. 04-07-2018.


Wednesday, 4 July 2018

Class Seminar Registration

Dear Students,


Kindly fill the Class Seminar Registration Form before July 05, 2018 05:00 pm.

Students can make use of books and internet sources to prepare the Seminar paper. You have to duly acknowledge the references in your paper.

Last date to submit the Seminar Paper       - 09.07.2018
Last date to submit the PPT                        - 12.07.2018

Send your Seminar Paper to the mail id:
Send your Powerpoint file to the mail id:

Copy the above email address in bold interface and paste it in your email send address tab

Plagiarism level should be below 12%

The Seminar Paper should contain the Author Introduction, Background info of the text, Sources, Genre study, Characters (If any), Outline, Themes, Critical Analysis, Criticism by critics, Your Point of View and Reference.

MS-Word 2016 (.docx) file type; A4 size, 1.5 line spacing; font size 12 Times New Roman.

Minimum number of pages - 08
Maximum number of pages - 12

The Power Point presentation should cover all the areas of the Seminar Paper.

Number of slides in the ppt  - 05
Number of Points per slide  - 05

If you are not able to view this form click the link

-Dr. KK

Sunday, 1 July 2018

Online Student Profile

Dear Students,
Kindly fill the following Online Student Profile on or before 05 July 2018.

If you are not able to view this form click the link

-Dr. KK

Syllabus Breakup [w.e.f. 02-07-2018]

Dear Students,
Do have a soft-copy and hard-copy of the syllabus breakup for this semester [w.e.f. 02-07-2018].
Start collecting material pertaining to your studies.
All the best.

Class Timetable [w.e.f. 02-07-2018]

Dear Students,
Kindly note your timetable for this semester, w.e.f. 02-07-2018.


Welcome to the Blog

Dear Students!
This is the Official Blog of M.A. English "A" 2018-2020 Batch.
I welcome you to my blog.